

Dr.Devendra K. Modi


Dear Students,

Ginni Devi Modi Institute of Education was established with the prime objective of imparting education in the diverse field of education over the years, the institute has taken rapid strides towards developing its core infrastructure comprising of laboratories, library, hostels, and a host of other facilities.

Dr. D. K. Modi (President)

B.Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

M.A. (Eco.), M.B.A., Ph. D., D.Litt.


Ginni Devi Modi Institute of Education has acquired the privilege of being a premier education institute in the state of Uttar Pradesh only for women's through its dedication and commitment to the cause of education. The institute aims at all-around growth and development of the individuals apart from imparting technical education in order to mould them into responsible and conscious citizens of the country. In the post-liberalization era, globalization has become an integral part of countinuously upgrading its facilities to provide nee-based knowledge which is essential for the development of cutting edge technologies to promote the cause of nation building. I wish the institute all success in its renewed and dedicated contribution towards academic excellence.

Part of Empowering and enlightening female students in rural areas to becoome independent committed educators for the next generation through quality education.

Ginni Devi Modi Institute of Education continuously upgrading its facilities.